Today we're celebrating 4 years since we jumped head first into our full time kitchen residency; right after we quit our day jobs to chase our passion to grow the wee BBQ street food side hustle we had launched only 1.5 years prior.
It's been a wild four years, filled with many challenges we've had to face together but many, many fun moments too.
Just check out what 4 years has done to our naive, youthful appearances below. Those two didn't have a clue what wild ride they were about to step into...

Crazy that 4 years and a pandemic later, we've just taken over ownership of the whole venue. And as we've taken on the bar with loads of great ideas to make necessary improvements but hardly any capital to make them a reality, our reward based crowdfunder, as we mentioned before, will be launching shortly. So keep your eyes peeled for news on this very soon!!
We've also just hit 10k followers today on Instagram too, so that's a pretty cool end to our day.
Peace and love - Lindsay & Corey